Spain, 14 silver coins. DY16151




Germany, 23 Silver Coins. Details Below. DY16632.




Netherlands, 1626-1826. 10 Coins. DY15841




Germany, Third Reich. 15 Coins. DY16773

Allow for duplication.


Eastern Europe. 24 Coins. DY16123




Eastern Europe. 9 Coins. DY15917.




Spain, 14 silver coins. DY16151



Italy, 12 silver coins.   From circulation, includes heavily worn and damaged.      

  Dalla circolazione, include molto usurato e danneggiato

    Aus dem Umlauf, einschließlich stark abgenutzter und beschädigter   

   De la circulation, comprend fortement usé et endommagé                DY15851


Austria, 9 Coins.  DY14297



Germany. 9 Munze, Bessere Datierungen/Münzzeichen.  

1 Pfennig 1888E. 1906A.

2 Pfennig   1875C.

5 Pfennig 1875A1889J.

10 Pfennig 1874E, 1874H, 1875H, 1876A,           DY16134


Counters/Model/Spielmarke. 6 items. DY15893



Netherlands. 40 Silver Coins.

Allow for damage/duplication. DY19757

Serbia, 7 coins.

5 Para 1879 scratch reverse.

5 Para 1912, 10 Para 1912, 20 Para 1884, 50 Para 1879.

1 Dinara 1925, 2 Dinara 1925.                                        DY15864




Vatican, 8 Coins. DY15838




Vatican, 10, 20, & 50 Lire 1977. DY12831



Czechoslovakia, 5 Silver Coins. DY16931


Luxembourg, 14 coins. DY14877



France/Belgium. 62 silver coins. DY17914.

Netherlands, group (130). Allow for damage and duplication.


Netherlands, group (45) of silver coins.

Allow for duplication. DY17477

Germany, 157 Coins. DY18010

Germany, 9 coins, better dates/mint marks.               DY14866
5 Pfennig 1876H.
2 Pfennig 1874E.
1 Pfennig, 1874B, 1874C (2), 1876B, 1876C, 1887F, 1901J. 

Netherlands, group (28) of silver coins. DY17476

227 grammes total weight, approx 163 grammes silver.           DY17476